We all have gifts, talents, and callings...some of us struggle hard with believing that we have anything good to share, good to say, good to write...after all, didn't we get beaten down everytime we tried to rise up and hesitantly answer His call on us? Didn't we get shamed, and attacked when we tried to shed our masks and become authentic and real? Didn't we experience rejection when we spoke a word He put in us?

Being vulnerable, asking help, asking for feedback from those we respect can take all the courage and strength we have. Writers, artists, and speakers are notoriously sensitive people. Yes, we have thin skin, especially if we did not receive a fathers blessings of confidence and unconditional love, leaving us questioning ourselves and our worth

Are you hearing Him call you? Is He challenging you to use those very gifts and talents He placed within you to be used for His kingdom? Whoever you are...if you are reading this, chances are high that He is calling you...whoever you are, whatever your background...healing is now...may the negative voices that are hissing fear and self-doubt be cast down in the name of Yeshua and many His great Ruach penetrate into the deep places of your soul...rise up...warrior...write, sing, speak, tell the world what He has done for you...fear not little flock, for Your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom....Like 12:32