I saw a magazine cover, and it showed an iceberg that was actually a plastic paper bag, and it said that there is 8 billion pounds of plastic put into the ocean each year or something to that effect... But my first thought was... "They" want us to be hopeless, and they want people to prophesy and spread this hopelessness... "Hope deffered makes the heart sick"... He has been working on me hard to stay out of the things of this world, and to speak HIS words... Soooo many walk around spreading nothing but negativity, the saddest part is many of them don't even realize it because many have been soo brainwashed into thinking that this is normal, it is not... Let us be the bearers of GOOD NEWS. Let us all be conformed to HIM, and to HIS will, and not our own, or the worlds. HalleluYAH!!!