5 anni - Youtube

Hi there! I am watching this video right now and at around 16 minutes you start referring to a controlling and manipulative spirit operating and I had to pause. My daughter attends a church but we keep Torah in our house. She has been attacked several times by people on our Torah observance. The latest is coming from a boy she likes very much. I have made it very clear that they are not to have any type of romantic type relationship because of our differences in theology and because he has said things to her that cross the lines. I feel like I am very controlling over her in presenting my cause for Torah observance, can we be under those spirits if we are trying to lead those into law keeping, or will those spirits primarily be to deter people away from obedience? I just don’t know how to witness to her anymore. I’m saddened by the prospect of her falling away toward modern Christianity. Please, I’m desperate for some council here